A few advantages of online training

1. It is flexible

As a student you are not bound by a study schedule, and you can attend the courses when the time is right for you. (Note: There might be a time limit, like 90 days, to finish the course.) You can advance lesson by lesson, and usually a lesson can be finished in a couple of hours or even less.

2. It is available anywhere and anytime

To attend the NEBA online training all you need is an internet connection and a device like a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or a mobile phone. You can attend a lesson in the morning before leaving home, during the coffee pauses of your day, while travelling to work or back home, weekdays and weekend, 24/7. Pick a time that suits you best!

3. It is cost-effective

With all the information readily available online, there is (usually) no need to buy books or other study materials etc. Also the Diplomas and other certifications are provided online, in a printable format with information about the course and about you as the student on the Diploma. You will receive the Diploma after you have completed all the lessons and finished the training program.

4. It is a modern way of learning

5. High quality training for people's and areas where it would not be possible otherwise

6. International expertise available for you

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